Wahoo! On to days 5 and 6 from my Barca adventures. 5 is brought to you by museums, a gorgeous cathedral, and… HUSKY CAFE! Basically it was an AirBNB experience where you go have tea and cookies with a few ladies who teach you about huskies/their home. And then you pet and hug and love on some huskies and feed them plenty of treatos.
Day 6 was more museums, and Montjuic! I was bummed I didn’t have time (aka daylight) to go explore the cemetery here, but I loved the castle and area so much that a few months later whenI jumped on the Animal Crossing bandwagon, I named my island after it :)
Day 5 || Cathedral of Barcelona, Husky Cafe, Picasso Museum, Christmas Markets, Downtown Wandering

Day 6 || Miro Musuem, Montjuic Castle


Adventure, Personal
September thru December 2019 iPhone in Review PLUS BONUS! Instax Album 2 (YFT2016)
Adventure, Personal
Adventure, Personal