WOW. That’s all I can say about Girona. It was absolutely stunning. They blended the very old, old, and slightly less old together so well in this town. AND!!! What a radical surprise for me to run into some very famous works of graffiti art! I had no idea until I was legit running a few miles carrying 30+ pounds of stuff to make it back to the tour bus LOL We also made it to Figures where Salvador Dali grew up, and checked out both his museums there. I was a little bummed they didn’t have the elephants painting, but I did see soooo much good stuff anyway.
The following day was just a day around town, checking out various. museums (amazing, again!! I got to see so many artists I have looked up to for almost my whole life), AND!!! going on a last-minute trip to Camp Nou to see FC Barcelona v. Madrid! It was my first pro futbol match and it was really fun! :)
XOXO, until part 3 for days 5+6, - A
Day 3 || Gerona, Figures, Dali Museums

Day 4 || CCCB Museum, Museo Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Camp Nou (not pictured LOL but I did see FC Barcelona v. Real Madrid