So December was pretty quiet, but I did have a lot of mini adventures with my handy-dandy iPhone camera.
Oh, yeah, and I had a grand adventure to Santa Barbara with my love to celebrate my birthday! I posted the video last month, but here it is to go with this post:
Anyway, let's dive in to the images, shall we? I'll start out with the Santa Barbara adventure. On the drive up:
Then we hit Ventura pier! It was my first time.

And a few iPhone pics to boot:
Alright! Such a tasty sunset. Sadly, I didn't catch any pics of the absolutely adorable Eagle Inn, but take a look at the views of the Santa Barbara Zoo! Of course, I had to snap a pic on the phone while we biked on over.

After I saw my favorite animal (Bald Eagle! Above! Fierce!), we biked in the other direction to explore the docks. Is this not the cutest boat you've ever seen?

We got to exploring at night, and gobbled up two different, delicious meals! One of the restaurants had these adorable little slides lining their walls as accent lighting for the dark hallway. As a photographer, I definitely appreciated it. Also, I channeled my inner Belieber and snapped this perfect Sorry neon. Not sorry. When it came time to leave, we explored a fancy little consignment store--I fought the urge to buy the poodle.
I hope to visit again, Eagle Inn!

On the way back home, we decided to stop and have a picnic in Malibu. I wanted to see what this El Matador Beach was all about, and it was amazing.

Whew! What an adventure. The Malibu portion will make its way into an upcoming adventure video. Until then... Here are just a few more iPhone photos-- I got the Iris lens series from Photojojo for X-mas from my love, one of which includes a macro lens! Here it is in action:
I got my inner graphic designer on and edited a few pics for fun:
I got to rock my birthday crown(!!!), took the pups on a beautifully-lit walk, got a thumbs-up from a wall, and got pumped up for Photo Field Trip 2016...
And then, my last two photos of the year: a look back at the most popular Instagram posts, and New Year's Eve! What a year!