Welllll, I’m not sure why all these photos uploaded out of order, but since there are so freakin many of them, I don’t have time or energy to put them all back in order LOL sorry not sorry! It’ll just keep things interesting then, eh? So anyway, Day 7 I checked out the other hill, Tibidabo, and the gorgeous cathedral there. There’s also a cute little mini theme park that’s been there for a long time! The view is stunning and my busload of folks lucked out—it was raining all the way up the mountain and stopped a few minutes after we were let off. So we got soaked for a few until the sun came out and gave us some fantastic rainbows :)
Than day 8 I spent wandering around the extra-adorable Barcelona Zoo! They put a lot of love and care into their exhibits here, and there are so many fabulous creatures here to visit. Just one more daily post after this one! xo- A
Day 7 || Tibidabo and Parc Guell

Day 8 || Barcelona Zoo