Days 5-8 were spent putting around with an amazing group of small, uplifting people. We checked out the black sand beaches, some breathtaking cliffs, Skogafoss waterfall (againnn I know, it’s worth a double-look), AN ABANDONED PLANE AT LIKE 3AM THAT YOU HAVE TO HIKE AN HOUR TO GET TO, and other such crazy madness. Then, it was OFF TO PARIS! To be continued……..
This here is a portion of the footage I managed to capture on my first solo trip to Europe; the first stop of which was Iceland. It wasn't supposed to be sol...
We’re doing the post playlists a little different this time - for the Iceland/Paris trip posts, I’m sharing the playlist I made to survive the trip. It has since grown and expanded to include Barcelona (which, at the time of me writing this just happened, in December 2019), and all future trips too! Enjoy xoxo


Adventure, Personal
September thru December 2019 iPhone in Review PLUS BONUS! Instax Album 2 (YFT2016)
Adventure, Personal
Adventure, Personal