Day 3 of Iceland was otherwordly. I worked up the courage to rent a car and drive about 6 hours outside of Reykjavik to go scope out the countryside. In a perfect world, my ex wouldn’t have been an ex, and we’d have gone together and I’d have made a badass vid while driving through, maybe even would have driven the whole island (it takes about 13 hours)! But I did what I was comfortable doing and even that was so emotionally filling. I saw some of the amazing Icelandic horses and sheep, made a few stops to some sights to see, STRUGGLED AT THE GAS STATION LOL (you’d THINK it was the same as it is here in the US, HAHAHA NO.), went to the glacier lagoon and touched an actual glacier (dooope), flew the drone (where it was legal to!!!) and visited a couple waterfalls :) YO. Skogafoss is 110 million percent worth the hype. It’s breathtaking and badass. It’s ginormous (it’s freezing from the back draft). And you can make the hike to the top (it hurts but it’s worth it!). I was there about 10 at night and the sun was still out LOL. I wish I flew the drone here but I wanted to be respectful of the rules PLUS that draft would have destroyed my poor little UFO with all that moisture.
Day 4 I was finally able to be with PEOPLE and boy did I need it. I was surrounded by so many wonderful women (and one guy who attended this workshop) who were so kind and empowering. Jamie with Evolve Workshops is the best and her vibe definitely attracted this tribe :) A couple of us went to check out a crater lake before we all met up for dinner and check-in at our hotel in DT Reykjavik.
We’re doing the post playlists a little different this time - for the Iceland/Paris trip posts, I’m sharing the playlist I made to survive the trip. It has since grown and expanded to include Barcelona (which, at the time of me writing this just happened, in December 2019), and all future trips too! Enjoy xoxo