Alright, just a head’s up that I’m sorry-not-sorry about the deluge of photos about to grace your eyeballs!
When Michelle reached out to me to photograph her wedding, I was like UM YES ABSOLUTELY LET’S DO THIS! Michelle and I go way-way back to the elementary school days, where I’d basically live at her house and do chores like I was just another one of the kids in the family, haha
Anyway - side thought - I secretly (not secretly) have a goal of photographing all of my close friends’ weddings in some form or another. It must happen! I’ve got a handful under my belt, and I could never ask for a better way to be involved in such an important day for my friends.
So yeah, when Michelle and Cory were explaining the wedding plan/vibe, I was already on board, right?? But thennn they were like, it’s totally going to be an amazing desert extravaganza. Bohemian, cozy, beautiful. Taco man. DREAM COME TRUE! Sadly, they had to reschedule not once but twice (thrice if you count the original date), because of the panny but for real, I think what they ended up with was nothing short of perfect. They still got to have their closest friends and family in attendance, on a gorgeous day in the desert, at a stunning private estate.
I’m so incredibly happy for them, and can’t wait to have more adventures with them through this crazy thing called life. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I know it’s been a lil minute since I last posted a bloggy blog - for any newbies around these here parts, I like to upload the seasonal (very eclectic) playlist that was happening the same time at that shoot. xoxo