January and February 2019… It feels weird writing about these months so far removed (it’s Feb 28, 2020 at time of writing this caption). The storm before the storm—I was extremely busy with work trying to save up money for what turned out to be no reason at all that following month… Life is crazy sometimes. Anyway, Jan and Feb just features a few adventures and some photos around the house of a great little stormy sunset. The cover photo is of the last real date with my soon to be ex and I—we went and saw Cats (amazing, go see it). It’s been really rough going through these photos each month; part of the reason I’ve been putting it off. The emotions ebb and flow, and they make up the absolute most painful year of my life. His loss, through and through, truly. Whatevah, onto the next post, friendies. I can make it through these storms a little better with every passing month… :)