Ahhhhh! What can I say about these two other than I’m so happy for them?! Michelle was one of my childhood BFFs so OF COURSE I was absolutely floored that she asked me to be her photog for this sesh (and her upcoming wedding! :) hehe)! They are too cute together and the perfect pairing of just the right amount of opposites to balance each other out. I can’t wait for the wedding :) :) :)
POST/MID-COVID UPDATE: Since I wrote this blog post about 8 or 9 months ago…. LOL good ole COVID-19 stole their wedding from me! And I’m bummed beyond belief for that. But still, I’m so thankful I got to take even just a little part in Michelle’s life milestones, and can’t wait to go hang and party in the desert with her once all this caca is all over hehe


Michelle + Cory || Desert Wedding at Bougainvillea Estate